Common Suffix Codes
Remember that not all of these may be used in all databases.
Suffix Format
Examples, Notes Descriptor
- ss (physicist? or astrophysicist?)/de
- NOTE: These are standard terms in the thesaurus for an individual database. Unfortunately, you may have to get the thesaurus from the database provider to determine what are suitable descriptors. These terms may or may not be consistent with the Library of Congress Subject headings/Authorities.
- ss space(w)shuttle/id
- NOTE: These are "uncontrolled" terms that are largely derived from the indexing of the individual words in the documents in the database.
- Check the bluesheets to see if the ID field is available.
- ss england and unicorns/ti
- ss southwest(w)airlines?/ti,ab
Publication Year
- s hurricanes/1998
- s frequency/nt
- ss (frequency(8n)rather)/tx
Section Heading
- s ocean/sh
Using Multiple Suffixes