Libraries are in an age of transformation. New libraries are being built that are more-and-more oriented to the transforming nature of digital information. On the other hand, they are still vast repositories of information and pleasure in book, periodical, video, and audio formats. As library professionals, librarians, library assistants, and library clerks know what they want in terms of optimal function and commiserate facilitating design. Unfortunately, architects and interior designers and engineers often have other ideas and do not listen well (sometimes, not at all) to the people who know best . The results of this lack of attention are buildings that are sometimes badly laid out, inconvenient, too hot or too cold, badly lit, visually awkward or sterile, or .... On the other hand, some buildings are elegantly designed in both function and aesthetics. Sometimes, the architects and interior designers and engineers listen and respond appropriately. The images of each of the below libraries are not intended to applaud or condemn the design of the respective libraries. Instead, the images show aspects of each library that are visually interesting, that provoke transformations to heighten those aspects. Inquire at the email address at the bottom of each page. |